We are excited that you are considering Trinity United Church of Christ as the venue for your ceremony and reception.
The first step to having your wedding here at Trinity UCC is to fill out our Wedding Information Form.
Once your document is complete you may turn it in to the main office or submit it via email to Trinityuccwooster1819@gmail.com.
In order to reserve your wedding date, one-half of the fees must be paid as a deposit when submitting your wedding information form. The remainder of the fee should be paid one week prior of your wedding date. Please make checks payable to "Trinity United Church of Christ."
Sanctuary - $300
Chapel - $150
(Fees include the pastor, custodian and building usage for both the rehearsal and wedding.)
Sanctuary - $100
Chapel - $50
(Fees include the custodian, but does not include the Pastor's honorarium."
A basic wedding service typically includes the following, in order of occurrence:
Prelude, Exhortation, Prayer, Scripture, Initial Vows, Presentation of the Bride, Affirmation of the Families, Wedding Covenant Vows, Ring Service, Sealing of Vows at the Altar, Pronouncement of Marriage, Prayer of Blessing, Special Observances
Unity Candle, Benediction, Presentation of the Couple
*Special music may be placed throughout the service as desired.